DevOps Within

Stories from a man against the machines.

Using CircleCI is a fun trip, but there are some things which do not come easy when using this system. Sure, you get Windows, Linux and macOS build support in a SaaS service which is nice, but sometimes you might want to do something not readily supported by CircleCI that you got used to when using another CI system. I know I did.

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What's Next in Google Cloud Platform?

Google Cloud Next '19 in San Francisco has been my second Google Cloud Next event, the first one being last year's London edition. While back in London I could only see the last day, this time I've had a pleasure of attending full three days of conference (Thanks, CodiLime!). Lots of announcements, lot's of on- and off-site events, lots of interesting sessions. In fact, there were many times when I simply couldn't decide where to go and what to see, but it's all good once you overcome your FOMO since the sessions are also available on the GCP YouTube channel. Here are some of my personal thoughts about the event.

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After a while of not using this blog much, I've decided to come back to talk about some of my new (ad)ventures, projects, etcetera... And I gave this page a new look :). So what can you expect here this time around?

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Get elastic with ElasticStack and docker-compose

Recently, I'm becoming increasingly fascinated by the seemingly endless possibilities of monitoring things. I think that it all started with learning Zabbix 3.x and starting to use it instead of the old-schooler Nagios. But those two tools are somewhat standard monitoring tools among many others of their type.

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Serialising objects in Golang: JSON

Previously, I have shown how to visualise the data gathered by the crawler part of i-must-go. To pass the data to the graphing library - sigma.js in this case, it has to be stored in a text file, which then is used to recreate the object. The process of translating the object to a format that can be stored more easily is called serialising or marshalling the object.

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Visualising the network: First Encounter

After fixing the network issues which caused a little mess in the connections, now I can track all 119 expected devices (and some more unexpected guests). This is an amount of nodes which isn't easy to imagine on a piece of paper. There are about 360 connections between those nodes, too!

This made me think about visualising the data sooner than I have planned, but hopefully, it will allow understanding of the context for i-must-go better. Here's first entry about visualising the gathered data using JavaScript.

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Blogging with Pelican

Okay, I guess I am a sort of a hipster. I prefer the bottom half of a bread roll to the top one, use SaltStack instead of Puppet, work on my code on Gitlab instead of GitHub and run a static blog on Pelican instead of Jekyll.

To be honest, on a basic level most of static website generators are pretty similar. It's hard to say which one is THE best objectively. I'd like to show why I chose Pelican instead of others and what are it's basic features.

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Code your code automation

I don't use GitHub as my main code repository for the project and I don't use Travis (or Jenkins) for my Continuous Integration. I'm a Gitlab addict and I'm not afraid to say it out loud :). Why should I be, anyway?

Gitlab is an awesome environment which started out as a self-hosted GitHub clone, but now it is so much more that you should definetely check it out. But in this post I don't want to talk about Gitlab as a whole - I'd like to show you some cool stuff that could be done with gitlab-ci and how I currently use it.

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