Posts in category: dsp2017

Recently, I'm becoming increasingly fascinated by the seemingly endless possibilities of monitoring things. I think that it all started with learning Zabbix 3.x and starting to use it instead of the old-schooler Nagios. But those two tools are somewhat standard monitoring tools among many others of their type.

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Serialising objects in Golang: JSON

Previously, I have shown how to visualise the data gathered by the crawler part of i-must-go. To pass the data to the graphing library - sigma.js in this case, it has to be stored in a text file, which then is used to recreate the object. The process of translating the object to a format that can be stored more easily is called serialising or marshalling the object.

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Visualising the network: First Encounter

After fixing the network issues which caused a little mess in the connections, now I can track all 119 expected devices (and some more unexpected guests). This is an amount of nodes which isn't easy to imagine on a piece of paper. There are about 360 connections between those nodes, too!

This made me think about visualising the data sooner than I have planned, but hopefully, it will allow understanding of the context for i-must-go better. Here's first entry about visualising the gathered data using JavaScript.

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Blogging with Pelican

Okay, I guess I am a sort of a hipster. I prefer the bottom half of a bread roll to the top one, use SaltStack instead of Puppet, work on my code on Gitlab instead of GitHub and run a static blog on Pelican instead of Jekyll.

To be honest, on a basic level most of static website generators are pretty similar. It's hard to say which one is THE best objectively. I'd like to show why I chose Pelican instead of others and what are it's basic features.

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Code your code automation

I don't use GitHub as my main code repository for the project and I don't use Travis (or Jenkins) for my Continuous Integration. I'm a Gitlab addict and I'm not afraid to say it out loud :). Why should I be, anyway?

Gitlab is an awesome environment which started out as a self-hosted GitHub clone, but now it is so much more that you should definetely check it out. But in this post I don't want to talk about Gitlab as a whole - I'd like to show you some cool stuff that could be done with gitlab-ci and how I currently use it.

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